Q: How do I register for the Dierker's Champs baseball league?

A: Our program is run through Cy-Fair ISD schools. School's sign up their school, then register kids. If you are not sure if your school is participating, please click the CONTACT button on the menu above and drop us a mail. The registration cutoff is usually in December before the school's holiday break. This allows teams to start practicing after school resumes and for Dierker's Champs to get uniforms ordered.

Q: When is your season?

A: Games start late February.

Q: Do you offer sports other than Baseball?

A: No

Q: Do teams have tryouts?

A: Each school handles their own registration. We allow teams to have up to 15 players on a roster. If there are more than 15 players that register, we encourage a tryout not just to assess talent, but also to figure out which kids are most excited about playing.